
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

4 Steps to an Effective Cover Letter for Life Insurance Applications

There is an ongoing myth that Underwriters do not review cover letters. Boy, is that so far from the truth!

The purpose of a cover letter is similar to the frame of a house. It serves as the foundation of the applicant’s risk. This foundation gives a carrier underwriter a peek into the window of how the case was sold, the purpose of coverage, your relationship with the applicant, and a little about the client’s risk. As a result, the underwriter can start off with an open mind and baseline of the proposed insured.

Essentially, the key to an efficient and effective cover letter is being transparent and detailed, thus sending a signal to the underwriter that you’ve done your part in the application process. Effective cover letters are your introduction of your client to the carrier underwriter. 

Learn more in the full white paper "4 Steps to an Effective Cover Letter for Life Insurance Applications" by VP of Underwriting and Development, Lisa “Lee” Morris. 

Do you have an underwriter with experience on your side? Partners Advantage can help!
Contact Lisa “Lee” Morris at 888-251-5525, Ext. 199 or email

For Financial Professional Use Only. Not For Use with the Public.

This blog is designed to provide general information about the subject matter covered. Partners Advantage Insurance Services and their representatives do not give tax or legal advice. The material in this blog is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as tax or legal advice. Guarantees and benefits are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Keep in mind that most life insurance policies require health underwriting and, in some cases, financial underwriting. Each case is individually underwritten as the severity of medical conditions varies among individuals. Formal underwriting evaluation and pricing is based on the individual characteristics of each case.