I’d like to share a few reasons why we should all be paying extra close attention to the Women’s Markets:
- According to a study done by Prudential, women control 51% of the personal wealth in the United States and that number is only expected to keep growing!
- To quote Holly Buchanan, author of Selling Financial Services to Women “women are referral machines” your female clients will refer their friends and family to a trusted advisor 26 times over the course of the relationship compared to just 11 referrals from your male clients.
- And lastly and most importantly, according to the same Prudential study, only 20% of women feel they’re well prepared to make decisions about their retirement and their financial future!
The women’s markets arena is full of untapped potential and is a great opportunity for you! Partners Advantage has a complete library of materials to help you better understand the needs of this market and experienced staff members to assist. Contact Partners Advantage for complete case assistance at: 888-251-5525, Ext. 145.