
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Harness the power of eApps and Drop Tickets

You could be missing increased life insurance business if you are spending more than 5 minutes per application! 

Partners Advantage Life Director Dan Tucker will show you how to harness the power of eApps and Drop Tickets to have cleaner life applications that are approved and paid faster. If you don't use online applications, LIFE insurance business could be passing you by! 

Top 5 Benefits of Online Life Applications: 
  1. Get Paid Faster
    Cases processed more quickly
  2. More Cases Placed Financial professionals experience higher placement ratios due to applications arriving in good order.
  3. Less Paperwork Hassle Less paper with full case management and real-time updates on cases.
  4. Full Compensation While the carriers or the eApp providers takes on some of the work, you still receive full compensation.
  5. It's EASY!
    Online applications are easy to use.
Fill out my online form.

Need immediate case assistance, contact the Partners Advantage Brokerage Team at 
888-251-5525, Ext. 704 

For financial professional use only. Not for use with consumers.