Contact Partners Advantage Brokerage Team at 888-251-5525, Ext. 700 for access to these resources to help educate your clients.
Now is a good time to have this conversation with your clients:
“When should I prepare for long-term care?” You know that you can’t buy car insurance at the side of the road just after an accident. In the same way, the very best time to look at LTC protection is before you need it, when you’re healthy and may prepare for the future you want. By choosing LTC protection now, you and your family may look forward to the future with more confidence.
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For use with financial professional use only. Not for public distribution.
1. Ahrens, Marty. National Fire Protection Association. “Home Structure Fires.” Sept. 2015.
2. U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “Quick Facts 2014.” March 2016.
3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2016, June 24. “Who Needs Care?”
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Partners Advantage Brokerage is not an affiliate of the companies of OneAmerica.