
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Don't Discount Millennials as a Sales Opportunity

By: Oscar Toledo, Director of Sales and Marketing
Partners Advantage Insurance Services

The early cusp of the Millennial generation is nearing 40 years of age! Millennials were originally known as the “Echo Boom” because they represent a surge in the number of births that came mainly as a result of the Baby Boomer generation having children of their own.  The Baby Boomer and Millennial generations are the two largest generations in American history.  Until the emergence of the Millennials, Baby Boomers were considered the most important demographic in commerce, marketing, and sales.

Millennials have lived for most of their youth in a time of broad economic and technological expansion.  Indeed, ease with technology and telecommunication is one of the hallmarks of Millennials, along with a sense of optimism and entitlement that comes from growing up in an “everybody wins” world that their very attentive parents (Baby Boomers) carefully structured and programmed.  

I encourage you to watch Simon Sinek’s video on YouTube titled: “Millennials in the Workplace.”  I believe you will gain good insight from this 15-minute video.

Selling Tips
  • Tell them where to research and let them educate themselves so they can decide
  • Stay in touch with and through technology
  • Be a trusted resource and be yourself
  • Don’t be pushy
  • They’ll tell you when they’re ready to buy
Don't discount Millennials as a sales opportunity. They are the youngest and largest generation in the workforce. They have adopted an understanding that they need to save for retirement. Seventy-two percent of Millennial workers have started saving at the young median age of 22-years-old.2

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2Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, August 23, 2016, "Retirement Insecurity: A Multi-Generational View" -, last accessed 1/17/17.

For financial professional use only. Not for use with consumers.

The information in this article is for general information only.
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