Our market space continues to evolve, and the better you understand that different generations have very distinct views about products, politics, religion, careers, and just about everything else, the more successful you will become.
Sales techniques that are effective for one generation may come off as “pushy” for another. Generational differences are more significant in marketing and selling now than at any other time in our history. For one thing, there are currently more generations alive and active than ever before, as modern medicine and affluence have produced a revolution in longevity.
We need to try to understand how customers’ backgrounds affect their buying preferences. As an example, during my fact finder with a prospect, I begin with questions such as:
- Where are you from and what was it like growing up?
- What did you learn about money growing up?
- What was the hardest lesson you’ve had regarding money?
Contact Partners Advantage for complete training and sales assistance at
888-251-5525, Ext. 700
Read the full article: “Better Understanding Generations to Enhance Sales” here.
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